понедельник, 30 ноября 2009 г.

Обновление антивируса Касперского на машине, не подключенной к интернету

Решение от производителя, все задокументировано в Базе Знаний.

Общая информация здесь.
Детальная информация здесь.

Reboot Command Line (DOS) in XP

I saw a thread on Google from this site where a user was wanting to know how to reboot from the command line, or reboot from "DOS" in Windows XP.

XP Ships with shutdown.exe, and is also found on Windows Server 2003. You can download a copy for Windows 2000, and Windows 2000 server as it is found in the AdminPak.msi suite of software. XP a& Win server 2003 ship with the .exe.
Windows XP/2003 uses the "-" as the flag separator, but windows 2000 uses the "/" as the flag separator

For XP, go to the command prompt and type:
shutdown /?
this will show all of the available options. I use it all the time to reboot my servers in the middle of the night via a scheduled .bat file

This is a sample of how to reboot in 60 seconds, with a comment to the popup
shutdown -r -t 60 -c "Rebooting computer"
to cancel, just type
shutdown -a

взято отсюда

воскресенье, 29 ноября 2009 г.

Добавление аналитики в блог

Yesterday we talked about Google Analytics, Google's free service that lets you track the performance of your websites and blogs from one simple, easy-to-use interface.

Grab Your Google Analytics Code Block

  1. Login to Google Analytics at http://google.com/analytics/. The main Settings page loads.
  2. Click on Add Website Profile. A form displays.
  3. Select Add a Profile for a New Domain.
  4. Enter the URL of your site or blog.
  5. Select your country and time zone. Click Finish.
  6. Analytics provides you with a code block - a swatch of HTML - to add to your site's pages.
  7. Highlight the code block and then copy it by selecting Edit > Copy or Ctrl-C or Command-C.

Add the Google Analytics Code Block to Your Blogger Blog

  1. Login to http://www.blogger.com/. The Dashboard loads.
  2. Under the blog you want to add Analytics tracking to, click on Layout or Template.
  3. Click on Edit HTML. An editing screen for your blog template's HTML displays. Don't freak out. Just scroll to the bottom.
  4. Look for the end of the template. It'll look like:
  5. </div> </div>
    <!-- end outer-wrapper -->
    (Google Analytics Code Block is going to go here!!!)

  6. Put your cursor right before that tag.
  7. Paste the Google Analytics Code Block by selecting Edit > Paste, Ctrl -V or Command-V.
  8. Click Save Changes.
You have now added the Google Analytics Code Block to Your Blogger Blog.

Check Your Work

  1. To ensure that you have successfully added the Google Analytics Code Block to your Blogger blog, go back to http://google.com/analytics/.
  2. Next to your blog's URL it will say either Receiving Data (you were successful) or Tracking Not Installed (something is amiss).
  3. If it said Tracking Not Installed, click on Check Status. Google then checks your blog for the Analytics Code Block and reports back if it find it or not.
  4. If not, try re-pasting the Code Block in.

Взято отсюда (How to Add Google Analytics to Your Blogger Blog)

пятница, 27 ноября 2009 г.

Uninstall and reinstall DUN - Windows XP

TCP/IP cannot be uninstalled on Windows XP. However, you can use the NetShell (netsh) utility to reset TCP/IP. When command is executed, it rewrites pertinent registry keys that are used by the TCP/IP stack to acheive the same result as the removal and reinstallation of the protocol.
  1. Click Start > Run
  2. In the Run box, type "command" and click OK.
  3. At the DOS prompt, type "netsh int ip reset c:\tcpipreset.txt" and press (Enter key)
  4. The system pauses for up to a minute while the TCP/IP stack is reset. The cursor returns but no message is displayed.
  5. Type "exit" and press (Enter key) to return to Windows.
  6. Close all open programs and restart the computer.
See MSKB article: Q299357

пятница, 20 ноября 2009 г.

Настройка Spectromancer

Весьма неплохая карточная игра Spectromancer приводит к BSoD при применении определенных карт. Очевидно, это это результат кривого взаимодействия с DirectX, но от этого знания лучше не становится. Поэтому в недрах интернета было обнаружено элегантное решение.

Try to disable spell effects by placing "nospelleffects" file to the "inf" folder.
This file can be empty or not - it doesn't matter, if it exists in "inf" folder then spell effects will be disabled.

Дополнительная информация по конфигурированию программы:
При запуске игры выдаётся окошко, в котором предлагается выбрать вариант запуска. Если не ставить галочку "больше не показывать это окно", то оно будет появляться при каждом запуске. А если галочка стояла, то можно вернуть его снова через пункт меню Configure.
Возврат: Пуск->Программы->...
Или, что то же самое, можно запустить игру с ключом -cfg

понедельник, 16 ноября 2009 г.

Использование русских активных babel символов в английском тексте

Простая ситуация -- есть смешанный текст (русский, английский) с активным использованием babel команд "< ">. При попытке становить английский язык командой \selectlanguage{english}, кавычки-лапки, так красиво смотревшиеся в русском тексте,

превращаются в следующее безобразие

Ответ был найден в великой книге The LaTeX companion, 2-nd edition.
% переходим на английские кавычки и выбираем английский язык
% см. The LaTeX companion, 2-nd ed., p. 547

После применения этих команд получаем, как положено:

суббота, 14 ноября 2009 г.

Настройка Araxis Merge под LaTeX проекты

Для синхронизации проектов используем Araxis Merge. Чтобы не видеть мусор в окне сравнения, необходимо провести настройку фильтров в Merge. Лучше создать новый фильтр 'LaTeX'.
Доступ к меню: View|Options

Текущий список исключений: *.aux;*.toc;*.out;*.req;*.bak;*.log;*.4ct;*.4tc;*.sav;*.idv;*.lg;*.xref

понедельник, 9 ноября 2009 г.

Configuring editors with SumatraPDF

This document explains how to configure your favourite editor for synchronization with SumatraPDF.


Synchronization technologies

SumatraPDF supports two synchronization technologies: pdfsync and the more recent SyncTeX.

To use the first one you just need to load the 'pdfsync' package in your latex document as follows:
When compiling your source file, LaTeX will generate a .pdfsync file along with the .pdf output file. This file can then be used by SumatraPDF to perform synchronization.

With SyncTeX it is not necessary to load any package. However you need to specify the 'synctex' switch when compiling your document with pdflatex:
pdflatex -synctex=-1 document.tex
Also make sure you have updated your TeX installation as only recent releases of pdftex support this feature (TeXLive 2008 and MikTex 2.7).

For more details on the synchronization feature of SumatraPDF, check the following posts: Post 1 Post 2 Post 3.

Inverse search

With the inverse search synchronization feature, double-clicking on the PDF file in SumatraPDF brings you directly to corresponding line in the .tex source file.

By default the WinEdt editor is invoked. If you are using the build of SumatraPDF from my website, then you can change this command by choosing the Menu 'File\Set inverse search command line'. The format of the string is:
"C:\Program Files\MyEditor\MyEditor.exe" PARAMETERS
where PARAMETERS can contain the following macros:
%f path to the TeX source file
%l line number
%c column number

Forward search

Forward search gives you the ability to go from the source .tex file to the corresponding location in the PDF. When you invoke a forward search from your editor, SumatraPDF automatically highlights the corresponding location in the PDF. The communication between the editor and SumatraPDF relies on the DDE protocol (Supported by most editors such as WinEdt and TeXnicCenter).

Synchronization in action


Configuration for commonly used editors


Inverse search
Inverse search command:
"C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\winedt.exe" "[Open(|%f|);SelPar(%l,8)]"

Forward search
1- Download the macro file Sumatra-Find.edt.
2- Save it in the folder: C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Exec\
3- Open the menu 'Option\Execution Modes', tab 'Acrobat' and set the field 'PDF viewer Executable' to the path to your local copy of SumatraPDF-sync.EXE.
4- Go to the menu 'Option\Menu setup'. Create a new macro menu somewhere (under 'Accessories' for instance) and fill the options as follows:
Name: Sumatra Find
Macro: Exe('%b\Exec\Sumatra-Find.edt');
Requires File Filter: %P\%N.pdf
Start in: %P
Shortcut: F8

Now when editing a .tex file in WinEdt, you can invoke forward search by pressing F8.


Latex compilation
If your are using synchronization based on the pdfsync package then you can just compile your TeX file as usually. If instead you prefer to use SyncTeX-based synchronization then you need to tweak the compilation switches in TeXnicCenter as follows:
1- Menu 'Build\Define output profiles...'
2- Select the profile "Latex=>PDF"
3- Select the tab '(La)TeX'
4- In the field 'Command line arguments to pass to the compiler' add -synctex=-1.

Inverse search
Inverse search command:
"C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TEXCNTR.EXE" /ddecmd "[goto('%f', '%l')]"

If you are using the official build of SumatraPDF this setting can be set once for all at the command-line with:
C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\SumatraPDF.exe -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TEXCNTR.EXE\" /ddecmd \"[goto('%f', '%l')]\""

Forward search
To setup forward-search with TeXnicCenter proceed as follows:
1- Menu 'Build\Define output profiles...'
2- Select the profile "Latex=>PDF"
3- Select the tab 'Viewer'
4- Fill the options as follows:
Path of executable: c:\tools\SumatraPDF-sync.exe -reuse-instance
Forward search: select DDE command
Command: [ForwardSearch("%bm.pdf","%Wc",%l,0,0,0)]
Topic: control
View project's output: select DDE command
Command: [Open("%bm.pdf",0,1,1)]
Topic: control
Close document before running (La)TeX: Do not close


Inverse search
Set the following inverse search command in SumatraPDF (menu 'File\Set inverse search command line'):
c:\emacs\bin\emacsclientw.exe +%l "%f"

Make sure the emacs server is started by by running the command
from within Emacs or by adding (server-start) to your emacs init file. (See Emacs doc)

Auctex settings
- Configure the pdflatex-command from the configure menu in emacs:
(LaTeX-command "latex -synctex=-1")
- Set 'Latex\Customize Auctex\Tex command\Tex Output View Style\Line containing the phrase <^pdf$>' to
C:\Programme\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe %o

Forward search
1- Download the script file sumatra-forward.el
2- Update your init.el or .emacs file to load the sumatra-forward script by adding the following command:
(require 'sumatra-forward)
3- Make sure that you have the ddeclient tools. (It is bundled with ntemacs)
4- Restart Emacs
5- Press F8 in the TeX document to trigger a forward-search

Further explanations on how to make Emacs+Auctex work with SumatraPDF are available here.


Julien Cornebise and Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard have developed a patch for Vim-latex. You can download it from vim-fwdsumatra.zip.
Installation instructions are provided in the zip file.


Мобильные разводки

четверг, 5 ноября 2009 г.

Сводные таблицы в Excel

1. Удаление отсутствующих элементов в выпадающих меню

Problems: Old Items Remain in Pivot Field Dropdowns

The data in the pivot table source may change, and items that were previously in the source are no longer included. For example, some sales reps may leave the company, and the names of their replacements appear in the source table.

Even after you refresh the pivot table, the names of the old sales reps will appear, along with the new names. In the list at right, Cartier has replace Gill, but Gill still appears in the list.

Solution 1: Manually Clear Old Items
To manually clear the old items from the list:
  1. If you manually created any groups that include the old items, ungroup those items.
  2. Drag the pivot field out of the pivot table.
  3. On the Pivot toolbar, click the Refresh button.
  4. Drag the pivot field back to the pivot table.

Solution 2: Change the Retain Items Setting in Excel 2007
To prevent old items from being retained in an Excel 2007 pivot table, you can change an option setting:
  1. Right-click a cell in the pivot table
  2. Click on PivotTable options
  3. Click on the Data tab
  4. In the Retain Items section, select None from the drop down list.
  5. Click OK, then refresh the pivot table.

Solution 3: Programmatically Clear Old Items -- Excel 2002 or later

In Excel 2002, and later versions, you can programmatically change the pivot table properties, to prevent missing items from appearing, or clear items that have appeared.

Sub DeleteMissingItems2002All()
'prevents unused items in non-OLAP PivotTables
'pivot table tutorial by contextures.com
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pc As PivotCache
'change the settings
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each pt In ws.PivotTables
pt.PivotCache.MissingItemsLimit = xlMissingItemsNone
Next pt
Next ws

'refresh all the pivot caches
For Each pc In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
On Error Resume Next
Next pc

End Sub

Материал из книги "Excel 2007 PivotTables Recipes", взято отсюда

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