четверг, 29 октября 2009 г.

Top 3 Online Backup Services

Текст взят отсюда, опыт эксплуатации -- собственный.

Online backup services work much like traditional backup software. With an online backup service, however, your important data is transmitted over the Internet and securely stored on a server in a professional data center instead of being stored on your own CDs, DVDs, or backup tapes.

The reason I list only 3 online backup services, even though there are dozens of choices, is because these few stand so far above the rest. Save yourself some time and check these out.

1. Mozy
Without reservation, Mozy is my pick as the best online backup service. Any exceptional backup service should be easy to use, cost effective, automatic, reliable, and easy to restore from. Mozy is nearly the perfect embodiment of these requirements.

To get started with Mozy, visit their website and sign up for an account. Download and install their software, tell it what files or types of files to backup, and then set it to automatically backup whenever you like.

MozyHome Free is, you guessed it, completely free and gives you up to 2 GB of storage on Mozy's servers.

MozyHome costs $4.95/month and allows for an unlimited amount of data backup. This service sets Mozy above all others.

2. IDrive-E
IDrive-E is similar in most ways to Mozy and other online backup services. Some features that make IDrive-E stand out among the competition include mapped drive support, file sharing, more frequent continuous backup, and support for server operating systems.

I found their software to be a little less user friendly than Mozy's, but if their unique features are high on your priority list, IDrive-E may be just what you're looking for in an online backup service.

IDrive-E Basic is completely free and gives you up to 2 GB of storage.

IDrive-E Pro costs $4.95/month and they advertise "unlimited backup". However, their Terms of Usage page defines "unlimited" as no more than 150 GB.

3. Carbonite
Carbonite's online backup service works in a similar way to the other services - you download and configure a piece of software and the backup is handled automatically in the background.

I found Carbonite's software to be slow and I thought it was integrated too heavily into my computer. Mozy's and IDrive-E's software programs were more independent and feature rich, while Carbonite's became more of a part of my computer by integrating directly into Windows Explorer and my desktop. If you don't mind this type of software, Carbonite may be your first choice for backing up online - many people rave about this service.

Carbonite's service costs $49.95/year and allows for an unlimited amount of data backup.

Использовал Mozy и iDrive. Впечатления смешанные, но, в целом, доволен. Первый более гламурный и "тупой", второй -- более управляемый, но грубый.

Как сэкономить? Можно получить купоны, для этого используем Google, например, так.
Или смотрим специальные сайты, например, этот.

среда, 28 октября 2009 г.

В чем различие между Инцидентом и Запросом?

Q: What is the difference between incident and a service request?

A: Incident is not planned and means that the service is disrupted, Service Request has a planned process or procedure ready to be executed, for example password reset.

I will explain you with an example.
1. Service Request -> Request for a new PC
2. Incident -> My PC is not working
In certain conceptions request for a new PC could be classified as Change Request.

Thus, some examples of Service requests would be...
Add toner to the printer
Run a report

вторник, 27 октября 2009 г.

Использование MS Visio в качестве inside plant

Вослед почившему CA NetViz (подробно на русском можно поглядеть, например, здесь) возникли идеи использования MS Visio в качестве надстройки-визуализатора.
И сразу находятся ответы в сети

пятница, 9 октября 2009 г.

Облако тегов на Blogger (blogspot.com)

"... Наконец-то нашел нормальное описание. Я тут поразвлекался, сделал краткий перевод ключевых моментов. Специально постарался изложить все максимально кратко, а не выполнять дословный перевод..."

взято отсюда

Issues with SUN VirtualBox

1. Как сделать копию виртуального диска для Sun VirtualBox?
Suggestion from nailbnny above works though. Follow these steps:

1) Shut down the virtual machine you would like to copy
2) In File > Virtualdiskmanager, select the virtual machine disk image you would like to copy, and press the Release button
3) In a terminal window, issue following command (see virtualbox user manual):
vboxmanage clonevdi /directory/image1.vdi /directory/image2.vdi
4) In File > Virtualdiskmanager, add the new disk image you've created in step 3.
5) In the main virtualbox window, press the New button to create a new virtual machine, and link it to the new disk image you've created.


2. Как установить в виртуальной машине требуемое графическое разрешение?

When guest systems with the Guest Additions installed are started using the graphical frontend (the normal VirtualBox application), they will not be allowed to use screen resolutions greater than the host's screen size unless the user manually resizes them by dragging the window, switching to fullscreen or seamless mode or sending a video mode hint using VBoxManage. This behavior is what most users will want, but if you have different needs, it is possible to change it by issuing one of the following commands from the command line:
VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution any
will remove all limits on guest resolutions.
VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution
manually specifies a maximum resolution.
VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution auto
restores the default settings. Note that these settings apply globally to all guest systems, not just to a single machine.

Взято из файла помощи Virtual Box (9.13. Configuring the maximum resolution of guests when using the graphical frontend)

3. Как сжать образ диска?
For Windows Guests.. You can download SDelete utility from Microsoft to zero unused space with the option -c from here:
Then you can use the following command from the Host OS..
VBoxManage modifyhd ***.vdi -–compact

Взято отсюда и немного отсюда

Editorial : Why So Many OSS Project Fail (перепечатка)

Editorial : Why So Many OSS Project Fail

Copyright 2009 by Virgo Publishing.
By: Dr. Jerry Lucas
Posted on: 03/01/2003

Ответные мысли:
1. Water IS REALLY wet. But not sure this is smth new.
2. Bullshit
3a. OSS is NOT people, process and software. Author is unaware of what OSS is, which is a very comfortable point of view.
3b. No IT and no IT budget and no IT understanding = a) strings of people connecting SW modules and b) Soloninkin's Syndrome - DO NOT TOUCH MY DATA! Here, some soft therapy would be useful, say a carrot and stick methode.
4. Bullshit.
5. Open Your Eyes... (+Chorus: Always I wanna be with you, etc...)
6. Bullshit except art and science. BUT. Any good thing is art not science. Probably the author tries to talk about internal engineering templates which are generally not shown to amateurs and unauthorized ones.
7. Water IS REALLY wet. But not sure this is smth new. See also: 1
8a. OSS effectiveness is not defined poorly as staff reduction. Author is unaware (see 3a).
8b. OSS can poorly work in an uneffective IT environment. At least good DB, J2EE, SOAP understanding, and event logging expected. A perfectly working service desk is also a must. "Termination": author is also unaware of project planning.
9. Yes, you cannot use OSS, if you cannot use OSS (see 8b). There's nothing to do, anyway :-( Just sit down and cry...
10. Yes, the CEOs are often unaware of things, but it is not related to the OSS scope.

Популярный вопрос: "Как проехать на КМЗ?"

Используем технические средства для ответа на этот вопрос.
Адрес: Рязанский просп., д. 2, Бизнес центр "Карачарово"
Комментарий к адресу: Здание красного цвета, вход у стеклянной шахты лифты по центру здания. По дороге из центра -- сразу за ТЦ "Город" съезд на дорогу вдоль Рязанского проспекта. Если промахнуться -- возможен заезд на стоянку у фитнес-центра ОДОН.
Ближайшее метро -- Таганская\Марксистская
От м. Таганская удобнее добираться: троллейбус 63 \ маршрутка 463, 416 до остановки "Платформа Карачарово"
Карта подъезда:

четверг, 8 октября 2009 г.

Как жить с Lotus Notes?

До настоящего момента был только один ответ -- "В ужасных мучениях".
Видимо, эта проблема беспокоила не только меня, поэтому была найдена отличная утилита Lotus Notes Notifier, которая хоть как-то скрашивает унылость и ужасность этого продукта.

вторник, 6 октября 2009 г.

Управление ACL в Windows

SubInACL is a command-line tool that enables administrators to obtain security information about files, registry keys, and services, and transfer this information from user to user, from local or global group to group, and from domain to domain.