пятница, 9 октября 2009 г.

Issues with SUN VirtualBox

1. Как сделать копию виртуального диска для Sun VirtualBox?
Suggestion from nailbnny above works though. Follow these steps:

1) Shut down the virtual machine you would like to copy
2) In File > Virtualdiskmanager, select the virtual machine disk image you would like to copy, and press the Release button
3) In a terminal window, issue following command (see virtualbox user manual):
vboxmanage clonevdi /directory/image1.vdi /directory/image2.vdi
4) In File > Virtualdiskmanager, add the new disk image you've created in step 3.
5) In the main virtualbox window, press the New button to create a new virtual machine, and link it to the new disk image you've created.


2. Как установить в виртуальной машине требуемое графическое разрешение?

When guest systems with the Guest Additions installed are started using the graphical frontend (the normal VirtualBox application), they will not be allowed to use screen resolutions greater than the host's screen size unless the user manually resizes them by dragging the window, switching to fullscreen or seamless mode or sending a video mode hint using VBoxManage. This behavior is what most users will want, but if you have different needs, it is possible to change it by issuing one of the following commands from the command line:
VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution any
will remove all limits on guest resolutions.
VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution
manually specifies a maximum resolution.
VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution auto
restores the default settings. Note that these settings apply globally to all guest systems, not just to a single machine.

Взято из файла помощи Virtual Box (9.13. Configuring the maximum resolution of guests when using the graphical frontend)

3. Как сжать образ диска?
For Windows Guests.. You can download SDelete utility from Microsoft to zero unused space with the option -c from here:
Then you can use the following command from the Host OS..
VBoxManage modifyhd ***.vdi -–compact

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